A.R.             DECL.          MAG.  LIGHT YEARS
Alfa        21h 18m 34.58s	+62° 35' 07.6	2.45    49      Alderamin, Alderaimin;il Braccio Destro; variable star
Gamma       23h 39m 20.98s	+77° 37' 55.1	3.21    45      Arrai, Alrai, Errai, Er Rai;il Pastore; double star; the component A has a planet
Beta        21h 28m 39.58s	+70° 33' 38.5	3.23    595     Alfirk, Alphirk;il Gregge; prototype of the variable Beta Cephei
Zeta        22h 10m 51.26s	+58° 12' 04.5	3.39    726     Tsao Fu; variable star
Eta         20h 45m 17.27s	+61° 50' 12.5	3.41    47      Al Agemim, Al Agimim
Iota        22h 49m 40.91s	+66° 12' 02.6	3.50    115     Alvahet, Al Wahat; variable star
Delta       22h 29m 10.25s	+58° 24' 54.7	4.07    982     Ibvar	Alrediph, Al Radif; prototype of the variable cefeide; triple star
Epsilon     22h 15m 01.68s	+57° 02' 36.5	4.18    84      Phicares, Phicareus; variable Delta Scuti
Theta       20h 29m 34.83s	+62° 59' 38.9	4.21    136     Al Kidr; binary spettroscopic star
Mu          21h 43m 30.45s	+58° 46' 48.2	4.23    5258	star granata di Herschel, Erakis; variable semiregular


NGC 7023    Nebulosa, mag.10


Orsa Minore,Dragone,Cigno,Lucertola,Cassiopea,Giraffa