the Drago was considered the caretaker of the sacred tree of the wisdom,
whose log is the axis of rotation of stars, which represents its fruits.
Who succeeds to comprise the movement of the celestial sphere regarding
this constellation in the course of the millenia, knows the laws of the
firmament. According to the Myth, the tree from gold apples (symbols of
the acquaintance) had been given in gift to Era for the wedding with Zeus.
The goddess then put the Esperidi to guard of the tree, but these were
demonstrated dishonourable of their assignment and were replaced from
the dragone, son of the Tefeo monster and Echidna, the creature half
woman and half snake, like us hand on the historian Apollodoro.
Euristeo assigned to Ercole one of its twelve hards work,
that was that one to recover the gold apples of the sacred tree.
The enterprise was not sure simple, from the moment that had to look
at it with the terrible guardian but also with the imposing circle
of walls to its protection. The hero but not lost oneself of soul and with
the aid of the augure Nereo contrived a plan. Being Atlante, the giant
that supported the world, the only one in a position to pas over the walls,
Ercole approached he and he proposed to replace him for some minute in
its laborious assignment: in exchange the giant would have had to embezzle
the golden fruits from the tree. Atlante,also to obtain a short relief,
accepted of good degree to pact but of not to face the frightening dragone.
So Ercole murdered the drago killing with an arrow and taken the
World on the shoulders in place of Atlante: he, like established, crossed
the walls to them and took the precious apples, but to the
return he didn't want take the heavy loaded on himself and proposed
the hero to still remain to his place for the time necessary to carry the
apples directly to Euristeo. Nereo had previewed a similar behavior and
had advised to distrust, so he made alone feint to accept and asked to the
titano to support a moment the World because he wanted before to be arranged
a band on the head: the giant accepted and the hero  he and took with himsel
the fruits.
The more shining stars of the Dragone are Eltanin, from the Arab al-tinnin,
"the snake", and Thuban, "the head of the snake".