Transit Contact Times (UT)
                -------------------------------------  Minimum
     Date         I      II   Greatest   III     IV      Sep.
                 h:m     h:m     h:m     h:m     h:m      "

  1907 Nov 14   10:24   10:26   12:07   13:47   13:50   758.6
  1914 Nov 07   09:57   09:59   12:03   14:07   14:09   630.7
  1924 May 08   21:44   21:47   01:41   05:35   05:38    84.6
  1927 Nov 10   03:02   03:04   05:46   08:27   08:29   128.7
  1937 May 11   08:53     -     08:59     -     09:06   955.5
  1940 Nov 11   20:49   20:51   23:21   01:52   01:53   368.5
  1953 Nov 14   15:37   15:41   16:54   18:07   18:11   861.8
  1957 May 06   23:59   00:09   01:14   02:20   02:30   907.3
  1960 Nov 07   14:34   14:36   16:53   19:10   19:12   527.9
  1970 May 09   04:19   04:22   08:16   12:10   12:13   114.1
  1973 Nov 10   07:47   07:49   10:32   13:16   13:17    26.4
  1986 Nov 13   01:43   01:45   04:07   06:29   06:31   470.5
  1993 Nov 06   03:06   03:12   03:57   04:41   04:47   926.7
  1999 Nov 15   21:15   21:30   21:41   21:52   22:07   963.0
  2003 May 07   05:13   05:17   07:52   10:27   10:32   708.3
  2006 Nov 08   19:12   19:14   21:41   00:08   00:10   422.9
  2016 May 09   11:12   11:15   14:57   18:39   18:42   318.5
  2019 Nov 11   12:35   12:37   15:20   18:02   18:04    75.9
  2032 Nov 13   06:41   06:43   08:54   11:05   11:07   572.1
  2039 Nov 07   07:17   07:21   08:46   10:12   10:15   822.3
  2049 May 07   11:03   11:07   14:24   17:41   17:44   511.8
  2052 Nov 09   23:53   23:55   02:29   05:04   05:06   318.7
  2062 May 10   18:16   18:20   21:36   00:53   00:57   520.5
  2065 Nov 11   17:24   17:26   20:06   22:46   22:48   180.7
  2078 Nov 14   11:42   11:44   13:41   15:37   15:39   674.3
  2085 Nov 07   11:42   11:45   13:34   15:24   15:26   718.5
  2095 May 08   17:20   17:24   21:05   00:47   00:50   309.8
  2098 Nov 10   04:35   04:37   07:16   09:56   09:57   214.7
  2108 May 12   01:40   01:44   04:16   06:47   06:52   724.7
  2111 Nov 14   22:15   22:17   00:53   03:29   03:30   283.3
  2124 Nov 15   16:49   16:52   18:28   20:04   20:07   778.9
  2131 Nov 09   16:14   16:16   18:22   20:29   20:31   614.4
  2141 May 10   23:46   23:50   03:43   07:36   07:39   108.1
  2144 Nov 11   09:18   09:19   12:02   14:44   14:46   112.7
  2154 May 13   10:03   10:18   10:58   11:38   11:53   930.6
  2157 Nov 14   03:08   03:10   05:40   08:09   08:11   386.9
  2170 Nov 16   22:05   22:09   23:15   00:22   00:26   880.4
  2174 May 08   02:24   02:37   03:26   04:15   04:27   924.4
  2177 Nov 09   20:48   20:50   23:09   01:28   01:30   509.8
  2187 May 11   06:27   06:30   10:24   14:18   14:21    96.0
  2190 Nov 12   14:03   14:05   16:48   19:32   19:33     9.1
  2203 Nov 16   08:04   08:06   10:27   12:47   12:49   488.6
  2210 Nov 09   09:14   09:19   10:13   11:06   11:11   911.0
  2220 May 09   07:23   07:27   09:56   12:25   12:30   728.5
  2223 Nov 12   01:25   01:27   03:55   06:24   06:26   406.5
  2233 May 12   13:13   13:16   16:59   20:43   20:46   296.2
  2236 Nov 13   18:50   18:52   21:35   00:17   00:19    95.4
  2249 Nov 16   13:02   13:04   15:12   17:21   17:23   591.6
  2256 Nov 09   13:26   13:29   14:59   16:29   16:32   807.4
  2266 May 10   13:16   13:20   16:34   19:47   19:51   529.7
  2269 Nov 12   06:04   06:06   08:42   11:17   11:19   302.5
  2279 May 13   20:14   20:18   23:38   02:57   03:01   499.5
  2282 Nov 15   23:41   23:41   02:22   05:02   05:02   197.9
  2295 Nov 17   18:03   18:06   19:59   21:52   21:54   694.6

Contact I - The instant when the planet's disk is externally tangent to the Sun (transit begins).
Contact II - The entire disk of the planet is first seen when the planet is internally tangent to the Sun.
Contact III - The planet reaches the opposite limb and is once again internally tangent to the Sun.
Contact IV - The planet's disk is externally tangent to the Sun (transit ends).
Greatest transit is defined as the instant when the planet passes closest to the center of the Sun as seen from the center of Earth.

Transit of Venus