The graphic shows the height of the radiant of the meteor shower

In blu the hours with the Sun below the horizon

      Date    Time   Alt      Az     Sun     Moon
2015:01:03   18:00    7.3   335.1   A.Crep. Visible
2015:01:03   19:00    3.4   344.2   Night   Visible
2015:01:03   20:00    1.3   353.8   Night   Visible
2015:01:03   21:00    1.0     3.7   Night   Visible
2015:01:03   22:00    2.7    13.4   Night   Visible
2015:01:03   23:00    6.2    22.6   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   00:00   11.2    31.2   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   01:00   17.7    38.9   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   02:00   25.2    45.7   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   03:00   33.6    51.6   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   04:00   42.7    56.5   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   05:00   52.2    60.2   Night   Visible
2015:01:04   06:00   62.1    61.8   A.Crep. Visible
2015:01:04   07:00   71.8    58.8   N.Crep. Invis.

Times in U.T., for Rome (Italy)